1. The hotel undertakes to make the reserved room available and to provide the services contracted by the guest.
2. The guest agrees to pay the hotel the agreed amount for the accommodation service and other contracted services, canceling the first day of accommodation in advance at the time of registration and the following days by means of daily subscriptions. The guest declares that he has been informed of the rates, fees and in general prices of the rooms per night.
1. The time of entry (check-in) to the room is defined at 03:00 PM (15 hours). Before this time, the hotel does not undertake to enable entry to the room.
2. The time of departure from the room (check-out) is defined at 01:00 PM (13 hours). The period of time between one hour and another corresponds to the hotel night. Early check-in or check-out after the indicated time will be subject to availability and the guest must pay the corresponding amount.
1. The hotel will not be liable to the client for valuables that have not been placed in the custody of the administration. The hotel recommends making use of the security boxes available to the guest in the room.
2. The client will be responsible for the inventory of elements for use in the rooms and undertakes to assume the corresponding cost for missing or damage to these elements.
3. The client agrees to abide by Resolution 1956 of the Ministry of Social Protection by means of which smoking is prohibited in all hotel facilities, including inside the rooms. If the guest smokes in the room, for each day they do so, they must pay the cost that the hotel must incur to deodorize and clean the room, which is estimated to be equivalent to USD 100, settled at the representative market rate. the day of payment.
4. The hotel rejects and does not allow sexual exploitation or any form of sexual abuse. The client agrees to abide by Law 679 of 2001 that seeks to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sex tourism with minors, pursuant to article 44 of the Colombian Political Constitution. The hotel reserves the right to enter the room if it considers that there is a risk in complying with the aforementioned law.
5. The hotel is against the trafficking of flora, fauna and cultural goods, according to current regulations, being responsible for the protection of natural resources and the promotion of responsible behavior with the environment and culture. Law 17 of 1981 illegal traffic of flora and fauna and Law 397 of 1997 traffic of cultural property.
6. The guest must register at the hotel reception all companions or guests who go to their room and pay the corresponding fee or value for each of them, if the visiting hours are extended.
7. The hotel rejects any form of discrimination, distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference for reasons of gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, political opinion or for any other reason or condition that has as its purpose or that produces as effect deteriorating, restricting or limiting the full enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms.